Monday, 20 June 2011

Strength and weakness of Informatica ?

Rows are processed one at a time, so calculation and checks among the rows is difficult, even though to some extent values can be stored in variables for further processing. This cause increase in the steps required to accomplish the job. E.g. first load the rows in a temporary table with some calculation, and then make this temp table the source for another table for further row manipulations etc.
1. Very good for load and extraction, however not so flexible to implement procedural
programming logic.
2. Every mapping needs a source and target, so sometimes Just end up using dummy source and target (dual tables) to build the logic.
3. No Replace character function in 5.1 (6.0 has it)
4. Ease of use, graphical representation of the ELT process, Mapplet, and reusable exp transformation helps to standardize the ETL process across the organization.
5. Easy for knowledge transfer and maintenance.

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