Saturday, 18 June 2011

What is the difference between sub-query & co-related sub query ?

A sub query is executed once for the parent statement whereas the correlated sub query is executed once for each row of the parent query.

Sub Query:

 Select deptno, ename, sal from emp a  where sal  in (select sal from Grade  where sal_grade=’A’ or  sal_grade=’B’)

Co-Related Sun query:
Find all employees who earn more than the average salary in their department.
SELECT last-named, salary, department_id  FROM employees A
WHERE salary > (SELECT AVG (salary)
FROM employees B WHERE B.department_id =A.department_id
Group by B.department_id)
The EXISTS operator tests for existence of rows in
the results set of the subquery.
Select dname from dept where exists (select 1 from EMP where dept.deptno= emp.deptno);

Co-related sub-query
A sub-query is executed once for the parent Query
Where as co-related sub-query is executed once for each row of the parent query.
Select * from emp where deptno in (select deptno from dept);
Select a.* from emp e where sal >= (select avg(sal) from emp a where a.deptno=e.deptno group by  a.deptno);

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